Resources I Use in My Own Business

You can have confidence that these are well-vetted resources. I would not put my name behind them if they weren't amazing.

By the way, I do not benefit financially from these referrals.

SocialOne ATL

Caleb has built a personal brand and incredible following, as well as a professional one. Elegant and refined, he has an fantastic eye for design. Tell him I say "Hello!"

QR Code Generator

I create unique QR codes for every piece of print marketing so that I can track engagement. You can also use bulk QR codes for "Variable Data Printing" to track mailers.


I founded the company, so I, of course, highly recommend them for property and agent websites. Tell Rex that James sent you, maybe that'll get you a good seat.


This printer is exceptional. They can handle just about anything from value point signs on foam core with a cardboard easel to "Variable Data Printing" for custom postcards.


Get your business ads targeting people who have shown interest in your websites, aka: your business and your listings. It's an affordable way to use Google and social ads.

Veterans Day Events

Veterans' Day falls on November 11th every year. Take some time to find events near you that honor those who have served and post them. As a Vet, this means the world to me.

Veteran Discounts

So many discounts exist for Veterans, beyond just Veterans' Day. Here is a list of businesses that offer discounts on Veterans' Day and year-round for your Veteran clients.

VA Disability Grants

Veterans with service-related disabilities may qualify for grants to renovate their homes to meet their needs. Be well-versed on what is available to your Veteran clients!

Veterans Property Taxes

Disabled veterans are often given reductions on their property taxes. Click this resource to find out if your state offers this benefit to our disabled heroes.

VA Loans

VA home loans offer several advantages for military members. They can receive favorable qualifying terms, including little or no money down with lower  credit scores.


This resource is a literal lifesaver. Educate yourself on asbestos, especially where it can be found such as tiles, insulation, siding and popcorn ceilings. 

Oakley Signs

I use Oakley for all of my custom sign riders, mainly for property websites. They have a wide variety of sizes and options. Make sure you match your main signs!

Email Spam / DMARC

My resource to ensure your email is delivered to a recipient's inbox, not their spam. Gmail and Yahoo Mail changed their rules for email deliverability on February 1st, 2024. 

Creative Market

There are some amazing designers on this marketplace! Just be sure you buy the correct license! Every week they send an email with free fonts, graphics and/or templates.