Print is not dead. | Fliers are, though. | Elevate your print game.

Whether you want to create a unique property brochure or a custom listing, buyer or developer presentation, I have templates. Elevating your materials serves as proof that you understand marketing, whether it's a neighbor coming into an open house to see how you work, or proving to a seller that you can market yourself with your listing presentation, so clearly, you can market their home, too.

Print Templates

You can adjust as you need to! Delete pages, duplicate pages. Make an 8 page into a 12 page. 

  • For printing, you must always use increments of FOUR pages if you are having the booklet stapled (called "saddle stitch").  If you are doing "perfect bind" (glued edge) it only has to be an even page count.
  • Never use images off the Internet. Always use high resolution images 300 DPI or more.

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