May 21 / James Kastner

You can’t rely on the buyer’s agent

Tip of the Day: Highlight key features with value point signs.

The truth is, you can’t always count on the buyer’s agent to have done their homework.

They won’t always highlight every detail — and even if key features are in the brochure, people aren’t really reading the brochure as they walk through the house. 

So, here's what I do: I create what I call "value point signs."

Think of these signs as mini billboards inside the home that do the heavy lifting for you.

Back in the early 2000s, I started using these in San Francisco, and let me tell you, no one else was doing it. 

I brought the idea over to Washington, DC in 2013, and it’s been a game changer. 

These aren’t just any signs printed on flimsy paper and slapped on walls with tape — no way.

Here’s the breakdown:

Quality is Key:
I get these signs professionally printed on foam core. They look sharp, stay flat, and really pop against any backdrop.

Stick Without Damage: To keep the walls pristine, I use command strips or sometimes a small easel back directly from the printer—no scotch tape nightmares here. You can also buy self-adhesive, cardboard easels on Amazon.

HINT: don't buy taller than 5 inches, this allows you to use a half sheet, which will be 5.5 inches tall.
Dual QR Codes: (Yes, more QR codes!) On each sign, I include a QR code linked either to the property website and even one to my contact info. If you have a unique appliance or feature that's in the house, link to the manufacturer's website! It’s a slick way to feed curious minds more info right on their phones, and if you’re doing ad retargeting, it’s perfect for keeping your listings in their line of sight long after they leave. 

I strategically place these signs near the features they describe — like that under-cabinet lighting or those French oak floors. 

No natural spot for a sign? 

No problem: I line them up on the stair steps. I start with the first one at eye-level, and then put another sign a few steps up. 

People can’t help but read them as they climb the stairs (and just WAIT for the comments to pour in on that move!).

It's a small effort with a big impact, showcasing not just your properties but your attention to detail and marketing savvy.

These signs are great for lead gen, for your brand recognition, and they also build value for the house.

Try them for your next open house!

To your success,

James Kastner

PS: If you are a subscriber to one of my coaching programs, you have access to templates I've created for you in Canva. Edit them and customize them to fit your brand!

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