May 27 / James Kastner

Piles of GOLD gathering dust

Tip of the Day: Repurpose your old brochures in 3 clever ways to engage prospects and show off your marketing chops.

Every time I walk into a real estate office, I see them.

Piles and piles of old property brochures.

These are marketing GOLD…

…just sitting there gathering dust, doing absolutely nothing for the agent who took the time to create them.

So here’s 3 great ways to revive your old brochures and put them back to work for you:

👉 Mail them out to neighbors post-sale

This one is great but so often under-utilized.

As soon as the property is sold, mail your leftover (or have new ones printed) brochures out to all the neighbors.

Add a little note, like “Keep this for your records.”

Especially if the property sold quickly, include something along the lines of, “I know this sold fast, so you might not have had a chance to come by. Thought you’d like to see inside.”

👉 Take them to listing appointments

You get to show your potential clients during a listing appointment to show them that they, too, could have a great brochure just like this one!

It’s not just a great marketing tool; it’s proof that you deliver on your promises.

The brochure you show a new prospect highlights your marketing prowess, professional photography (because you DO use a professional photographer, right? Right.), and your attention to detail.

It’s a great way to give the prospect a tactile representation of what you will do for them:

“Note the property preparation in the professional photos I had taken. We did ______ to the ________ and painted the _______ to make this place sell for ________.”

👉 Mail packs of them to your hottest prospects

Keep in touch with your top leads by mailing them a package with a few old brochures. 

It’s a fantastic way to show them what you can do and keep your name front and center.

And remember: always, always, ALWAYS send any new listing brochures to your hottest prospects.

Keep that momentum going!

Just because a property sold doesn’t mean the marketing materials you created for it belong in the bin.

Give them a second life and find great ways to keep them working hard for you.

Time to get them off the desk and back in action!

It’s this method of continually going the extra mile when most agents would stop that sets you apart from the crowd.


James Kastner

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