May 23 / James Kastner

Is your yard sign doing this?

Tip of the Day: Enhance your yard signs with QR codes linked directly to the property's website.

You’ve been hearing a lot about QR codes from me lately.

Because they’re amazing!

These scrambled little squares work while you sleep, and they can do lots of cool things.

Just picture this: someone’s driving by the house you’re selling, spots the yard sign, and with one quick scan of the QR code on the sign, they’re looking at the property online! 

It’s slick, fast, and super user-friendly (read: they can’t accidentally typo the website).

For like $40 from a place such as, you get a sign rider with a QR code on it. Super affordable, and it makes the sign look ten times more professional.

Plus, it’s doing the heavy lifting by connecting potential buyers directly to the property’s website. 

Even if they don’t visit the site right then, that QR code alone tells them you’re serious about doing everything possible to find a buyer — which is exactly the kind of agent they’ll want when they’re ready to list their own place!

Honestly, it’s a small tweak that can make a big impact. 

Let the sign do some of the talking for you, showing off how you go the extra mile for your listings.

To the little things that add up,

James Kastner

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