May 15 / James Kastner

How I save money WHILE increasing leads

Tip of the Day: Ditch costly apps—use a QR code linked to a form for efficient, free open house registration.

Still shelling out cash for apps to register your open house guests? 

Let’s streamline and modernize your process, while removing the extra cost. 

Digital registration has been around for a while, and it’s time you tap into the power of QR codes.

Option 1: Use Your Website
Got a personal or property-specific website?

(Yes, you should have both.)


Create a simple "contact form" just like the one that you likely already have on a contact page for your digital registration tool. 

Here’s how:
  • Ask your web designer to clone your existing contact form, tweak it to include fields like "Are you currently working with another agent" "Are you a buyer, seller, developer, curious neighbor".
  • Generate a QR code that points directly to this custom form.
  • Display it at your open house—no fuss, no muss! Grab a cheap picture frame for it so it's upright and pretty.

Remember, this should be a cost-effective tweak. If you're being quoted high prices by a web designer, it might be time to chat about what’s reasonable. This is less than 15 minutes worth of work.

As someone who's founded and sold a real estate marketing firm, I can assure you—this is a quick solution!

Extra Tip: When choosing a property website provider, always ask if they include an open house registration page. This feature should be a standard offering, not an expensive add-on.

Option 2: Google Forms

While it might not win beauty contests, Google Forms is a straightforward, effective solution:
  • Create a form in Google Forms and link it to a Google Sheet for automatic data capture, and voila—you’re set.
  • Place a QR code in a visible spot at your open house. Guests can scan and complete the form right from their smartphones—quick, hygienic, and efficient.

Your open house guests use their devices to register, speeding up the process and reducing queues of people that are waiting for the sign-in sheet, or to use your iPad.

After the event, you can download all that data that is already put into a Google Sheet for you. 


When you are uploading this to your email system, add tags to the list so that you can quickly identify prospects. Tag it by address of your open house, bed, bath, square footage, etc., to quickly reference and connect with potential buyers.

Then, imagine: a new listing pops up that matches the preferences of a visitor from a past open house. With a few clicks, you can notify them directly from your email provider—a powerful way to turn leads into clients.

Digital tools are all about making your life easier and your marketing more effective. 

Embrace them and watch how seamless your open house management can become.

Cheers to smarter selling,

James Kastner

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