May 23 / James Kastner

Delete those social posts!

Tip of the Day: Avoid posting anything that mocks buyers, sellers or other agents. Keep things positive and respectful.

I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately on social media.

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential client…

They’re looking for a great agent.

For whatever reason, they found your profile.

And what’s the first thing they see?

Jokes at their expense.

"When your buyer has million dollar taste but a $250,000 budget  ."

Not a good look, right?

Sure, the post might get laughs from your circle and other Realtors, but let’s think about the bigger picture here: you just told buyers that you (a) might mock them publicly (b) think they're ridiculous.

People think it's funny? You got a lot of views? Guess what...

You will never know who didn’t call you.

So here’s what to do:

Delete those posts. 

Yes, all of them. They’re not helping you.

Refocus your content. 

Educate, inspire, and celebrate your clients. 

Show them you understand their journey and that you’re the right person to help them navigate it.

Your social media is your digital handshake. 

Make it welcoming, professional, and respectful. 

Highlight success stories, share valuable insights…

…and maybe sprinkle in a few cute kittens and chihuahuas for good measure 😉

Until next time,

James Kastner

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