May 16 / James Kastner

Commission Isn’t Compensation

Tip of the Day: Great marketing pays for itself — through closed deals.

Let me explain what I mean…

A colleague once asked: “How do you get your sellers to pay for the photos?”

Me, eyes almost rolling out of my head: “By selling their house.”

(I almost ripped up his license right then and there.)

Let me break it down here for you:

You gotta shift your mindset.

STOP thinking of your commission as your compensation.

Instead, start thinking of it as your marketing budget for the property, as well as your business.

I’m NOT saying that you don’t spend any money and try to keep it all for yourself.

Not at all.

Look, every penny you invest in marketing a property isn't just about getting that 'Sold' sign up. 

It's about laying the foundation for your next sale. 

It's about showing prospective clients the lengths you'll go to for every listing, setting the stage for the kind of agent you are: one who’s all-in, every time.

When you make that property dazzle, it’s not only about that home.

You’re also selling your brand, your ethos, your unspoken promise of excellence.

So the better you market that property, the better you market YOU. 

When others see the magic you're working, they queue up to get a piece of it for their own properties.

Truly great agents are in short supply in every market.

So, next time you're budgeting for a listing, remember: good marketing pays for itself and then some. 

It’s the kind of cycle that keeps on giving—a perpetual motion machine of success.

Think past the immediate paycheck.

Think long term, and keep your sights set on the horizon.

Until next time,

James Kastner

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