Jun 14 / James Kastner

5 Daily MLS Searches

Tip of the Day: Scan these 5 MLS searches over your morning cup-o’-Joe to stay on top of the market.

You should be starting every day in MLS.

Yes, every day.

Here’s how to make it easy:

Set yourself up as a client in your own MLS and have these five crucial lists delivered to your inbox each morning:

1️⃣ New Listings: Stay updated on all new properties and pricing trends in your areas. This isn’t just for your buyers but for your sellers too. Fulfill your tagline of being the neighborhood expert.

2️⃣ New Sold Listings: Be ready to discuss property values at listing appointments or with that know-it-all who corners you at the next dinner party.

3️⃣ Pending Sales: Keep tabs on what's off the market so you can keep your clients informed.

4️⃣ Back on the Market: Ensure your buyers don’t miss out on a second chance for a property. Avoid the dreaded call, “Oh, it came back on but you didn’t tell me!”

5️⃣ Expired/Withdrawn Listings: Spot potential opportunities for your clients, especially those who might have skipped over a listing due to price.

Set these lists to show changes from the last 0-1 days. 

This makes sure that you’re just looking at the activity that is NEW.

Also, it’s super important to have these as 5 separate lists.

Trust me, one giant list is too confusing, and you’ll miss the fine details. 

And remember, read through these emails every single day. It really doesn’t take that long, and you don’t want to fall behind!

So set yourself up for a great day with a morning routine and a good cup of coffee.

To your success,

James KastnerFounder

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